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    The main role of zinc oxide in varistors_

    The main role of zinc oxide in varistors


    1, absorb internal over-voltage. The power supply circuit for various electronic devices and electronic instruments absorbs operating overvoltages caused by cutting and closing, protects thyristors and silicon rectifiers, high and low voltage switchgear, riot switch vacuum switches, high voltage transformers, high voltage motors, etc. Overvoltage. The zinc oxide varistor is a polycrystalline semiconducting ceramic component made of a zinc oxide as the main component, a variety of metal oxides, and a classical electronic ceramic process. In recent years, the power system and the electronic circuit absorb the atmosphere. Over-voltage and over-voltage operation have a wide range of applications in superconducting energy transfer and demagnetization of generator sets, electrical equipment, semiconductor devices and various motor overvoltage protection.
    2. Eliminate contact sparks. Used to eliminate sparks on relay contacts and eliminate sparks on micro motors. Suppression of internal flashover and automatic degaussing of the picture tube to extend the life of the protected circuit and eliminate radio interference caused by EDM.

    3, absorb atmospheric over-voltage. The power system is used as a lightning arrester to protect distribution transformers, switchboards, and electroplating watches. The railway system is used for the lightning protection of railway signal systems, as a frequency shift automatic blocking device, a small station power supply screen and other semiconductor signal devices. The broadcasting system is used for broadcasting external lightning overvoltage protection. Generator demagnetization, superconductivity and overvoltage protection. Used for demagnetization of various generator windings, superconducting magnet moving energy and rotor over-voltage protection, and over-voltage absorption of high-power rectification equipment and synchronous motors.
    The main role of zinc oxide in varistors_




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